
Have you some lovely words?

My Faves #2



Life is mostly froth and bubble
Two things stand like stone;
Kindness in another's trouble;
Courage in your own.

Adam Lindsay Gordon.


It is easy enough to be pleasant,
When life flows along like a song,
But the man worthwhile
Is the man who can smile,
When everything goes dead wrong.
When the whole blamed world seems gone to pot,
And business on the bum,
A lifted chin and a two-cent grin
Help some, my boy, help some!

Take the time.

Take Some Time

Take some time to smell the flowers
As you walk the paths of life.
Take some time to ease the tensions
From the challenges and the strife.

Take some time to hear the birds sing
As they usher in the dawn.
Though the day be just emerging,
Too soon it will be gone.

Take some time to watch a sunrise,
Now and then a sunset too.
Just be sure that seeking pleasure
Isn't all you ever do.

Take some time to count your blessings,
Though you feel they're not that great.
You will find they're more abundant
Than you thought, at any rate.

Take some time to banish hatred
When and where you can.
Just detest man's evil ways
And not your fellow man.

Take some time to love your children
Every moment you are free.
The benefits exceedeth
A university degree.

Take some time to love your neighbor
And even more important still,
Take some time to love yourself
Or not many others will.

And if you don't like that image
Of yourself that others see,
Take some time to make some changes,
Be the best that you can be.

Take some time to help another
Who you think might need a hand.
You will find the satisfaction
Leaves you feeling sort of grand.

Take some time to live by virtue
In the best way that is known,
And respect the rights of others
As equal to your own.

Take some time to just appreciate
The fact that you are here,
And to know that Higher Power
And to trust It without fear.

If you do these things with diligence
You will eventually be glad.
If you don't attempt to do them
You may one day wish you had.

Although this no doubt could impose
Upon your time for seeking wealth,
There should be little question
That it could improve your health.

And though you might not be as wealthy
Nor drive so fine a car,
You'll find you will be richer
In other ways by far.


"When you make a mistake or get ridiculed or rejected, look at mistakes as learning experiences, and ridicule as ignorance... Look at rejection as part of one performance, not as a turn down of the performer." -- Denis Waitley

"When you face your fear, most of the time you will discover that it was not really such a big threat after all. We all need some form of deeply rooted, powerful motivation -- it empowers us to overcome obstacles so we can live our dreams." -- Les Brown

"If I had listened to the critics I'd have died drunk in the gutter."
-- Chekov

"If you spend five minutes complaining, you have just wasted five minutes. If you continue complaining, it wonít be long before they haul you out to a financial desert and there let you choke on the dust of your own regret." -- Jim Rohn

Do it

"A clay pot sitting in the sun will always be a clay pot. It
has to go through the white heat of the furnace to become
--Mildred W. Struven

"The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I
am, then I can change."
--Carl Rogers

"I'll not listen to reason. Reason is always what someone
else has got to say."
--Elizabeth C. Gaskell


"Work hard at several projects. That way, no matter what is
going wrong, something will be going right."
-- Donna Hanover

"If you can get nothing better out of the world, get a good
dinner out of it, at least."
--Herman Melville (in Moby Dick)

"I searched through rebellion, drugs, diet, mysticism,
religion, intellectualism, and much more, only to find that
truth is basically simple and feels good, clear and right."
--Chick Corea

I believe in you

I want to tell you that I believe in you;
I believe in your mind
And all the dreams, intelligence,
And determination within you.
You can accomplish anything.
You have so much open to you.
So, please, don't give up on what you want
From life or from yourself.
Please don't put away the dreams
Inside of you.
You have the power to make them real.
You have the power to make yourself
Exactly what you want to be.
Believe in yourself the way I do
And nothing will be beyond your reach.
Author Unknown

Ceramics Frequently Asked Questions

What precautions should I take in the studio?

How do I decorate my ware?

How do I apply Lustres?

How do I market my ceramics?

How do I apply glaze?

How do I market my ceramics?

How do I fire porcelain?

How do I cast slip?

How do I fire an electric kiln?

How do I apply glaze?

What are some stoneware glazes?

What Precautions when using dry ingredients?

How do I apply glaze?

How do I apply opaque stains ?

How do I wedge clay?

How do I apply Stains?

What is Lustre?

What should I keep in mind when designing my studio?

How do I make a coil pot

How do I decorate my ware?

How do I make molds?

What is Clay?

How do I apply glaze?

What is a decal?

How do I clean Greenware?

How do I add texture?

How do I centre my clay?

What tools do I need to start potting?

How do I start a business?

How do I best promote myself and my work?

How do I load my kiln?

What are ceramics

Where do I start?

How do I make a simple mold?

How do I fire Decals?

How can I make a mould?

What are some life quotes?

What is underglaze?

What is Porcelain

How do I care for my brushes?

How do I care for my molds?

What is Celadon?

What is the Tea Ceremony?

How do I care for my kiln?

How do I apply one-strokes?

What safety aspect should I keep in mind when working with glazes?

How do I apply Lustres?

What is Overglaze?

What are oxides?

How do I fire Bisque?

Where do I begin?

What should I remember when firing the kiln?

How do I clean brushes?

How do I slump/sag glass?

How do I apply overglazes?

How do I best publicise my business?

How do I make a simple plaster mold?

How do I care for my brushes?

Are stains safe.

How do I fire overglazes/lustres?

What is a reduction firing?

How do I doccument my work?

How do I create fine feature lines?

How and when sholuld I apply underglazes?

How do I make molds?

What is an engobe?

Are they Water or oil base stains?

How do I hold my brush?

How do I store my Materials?

Are any two kilns are exactly alike?

What is mould in clay?

What is a Pyrometric Cone?

Do I need a cone?

how do I throw clay?

Can I use sand to stop glaze running onto shelves

How do I test my glazes?

How do I apply China Paints?

Does greenware need to be dry before loading?

What are some life quotes?

What is the history of the Potter´s Wheel?

How do I fire lustre?

What is a glaze?

How do I fire lustres?

What is The History of the Way of Tea

What is Celadon (Cheong-Ja) - the Stuff of Kings?

How do I dry overglazes?

What is a glaze?

How do I Burnish?

What is an overglaze marbleizer?

Is there a trick toThrowing Porcelain?

Have you some lovely words?

What is Earthenware?

What is a glaze?

What are some stoneware glazes?

How do I paint Eyes?

How do I Recycle Clay

How do I attach wet pieces?

How do I make a teapot?

How do I make a plaster mold

What are some good tools for decoration?

What is Kiln Wash?

How do I glaze my ware?

How do I slipcast ceramics?

What are some life quotes?

how do I dry my ware?

How do I fire my ware?

How do I apply texture to my piece?

What is a Glost firing?

How do I make my own glazes?

What are some change quotes?

How do I store my tools?

What is the history of Raku?

What is Paperclay

What is a crackle glaze?

Do I need kiln wash for bisque?

How do I refire a glazed piece ?

What is reduction?

What must I remember when Raku firing?

How do I add decoration to my ceramics?

How do I care for my elements?

Does over firing produce poor colour in coloured glaze?s

How do I use my brush?

How do I care for my brushes?

How do I recycle clay?

What are some success quotes?

What is a glaze?

How do I clean Greenware?

How do I make coils?

What are some Black Firing Tips and Tricks?

What is the safest way to pack my ceramics?

What are Formulated clays?

How do I do a reduction firing?

automatic kiln sitter, should I trust it?

How do I care for my molds?

What are some tips for draining a mold?

What is a decal?

What safety measures should I take with Raku Firing?

How do I attach a bat to the wheelhead?

What tools do I need for ceramics

What are suggested plate clay weights?

What do I need to get started?

What are observation holes ?

What tools do I need to make a coil pot

How do I fire ceramic bisque ?

How do I recycle batches of clay quickly

How do I care for my molds?

How do I fire my ware?

How do I roll a slab?

How do I fire my kiln?

What is the correct firing time?

How to I prepare and make slabs?

What is Leatherhard ?

What materials are toxic in Ceramics?

How do I fire glaze?

What are slabs?

What is Korean celadon?

How do I fire Raku?

How do I make paperclay?

Can Crackle glazes be used for food?

How do I avoid S cracks in wheel thrown ware

how do I apply glazes?

How do I get the press onside?

How do I open-up the clay?

How do I fire Reds/Yellows?

What is a glaze?

How do I fire Ceramic glaze ?

Can I repair my kiln?

What are the Approx. firing times?

Ho do I avoid pitting and pinholes?

How do I make throwing ribs?

What is Stoneware?

How do I care for my molds?

How do I apply kiln wash?

What is a Stain?

What is a mold?

How do I decorate my ceramics?

How do I remove mold lines?

How do I cut the spare?

What is a ´good teapot´?

How do I Bisque fire in an electric kiln?

How do I keep a kiln log?

How do I paint Eyes?

How do I decorate my ceramics?

How do I apply crackle glazes ?

What is Primary clay?

What are some easy projects?

What is Thermal Shock?

What effects can I achieve with a brush?

What are cones?

How do I Drain small pour holes?

What is Glaze?

What is Raku?

How do I remove a stuck lid?

How do I glaze my ware?

How do I make Egyptian Paste?

How do I apply texture?

What is overglaze/lustre?

Must my kiln be level?

How do I make my own brushes?

What clay should I use?

How do I apply a decal?

How do I clean my greenware?

What is Agate ware?

How do I care for my new Kiln?

How do I make stamps?

How do I load my kiln?

How long do I fire bisque?

How do I promote my work?

can I draw directly onto a piece?

How do I increase my profile?

How do I fire different bodies?

what is porcelain?

How do I make test tiles?

What is Earthenware?

What is the humming in my new kiln?

What should I remember when firing a new kiln?

How do I mend Greenware?

how do I get the best results in glazing?

How do I prevent dirt on my greenware?

How do I accomodate Clay Storage in my studio?

How do I fire Larger pieces ?

How do I prevent sagging during firing?

How do I brush one-strokes?

How do I load my brush for applying underglaze?

How do I mend molds?

Why should I use pottery plaster?

What is the coat coverage ?

How do I prevent glazes from settling ?

How do I fire lace figurines?

What is Albany slip?

How do I create a woodtone effect?

How do I light my Gas Kiln?

What is a pyrometer?

What is a Binder?

What is a glaze?

What are some Doing well Quotes?

What is Slip casting?

What is a Rib?

What is a Bisque?

How do I care for my elements?

How do I fire porcelain?

How do I store my throwing tools?

What is the History of tea?

What is the history of Ceramics?

Why do I get black spots in my glaze?

How do I fire flat pieces?

What is Terra-Sigillata?

What are Pyrometric Cones?

What is Iron Oxide?

How do I load my kiln for a glaze firing?

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Patricia Walters-Fischer