
What are some change quotes?


Take criticism in your stride - otherwise you'll trip and
fall flat on your face:
"To escape criticism - do nothing, say nothing, be nothing."
--Elbert Hubbard

"Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It
fulfils the same function as pain in the human body. It
calls attention to an unhealthy state of things."
--Winston Churchill

"The most destructive element in the human mind is fear.
Fear creates aggressiveness; aggressiveness engenders
hostility; hostility engenders fear-a disastrous circle."
--Dorothy Thompson

"Thunder is good, thunder is impressive; but it is lightning
that does the work."
--Mark Twain

"To be tested is good. The challenged life may be the best
--Gail Sheehy

Change #2


"In prosperity our friends know us; in adversity
we know our friends."
-- John Churton Collins, 1848-1908

"A true friend is one who overlooks your failures
and tolerates your successes."
-- Doug Larson

"Friend is sometimes a word devoid of meaning;
enemy, never."
--Victor Hugo, 1802-1885

"If a man does not make new acquaintances as he
advances through life, he will soon find himself
left alone. A man, Sir, should keep his friendship
in constant repair."
-- Samuel Johnson, Life of Samuel Johnson(James
Boswell 1791) 1755

"The only reward of virtue is virtue; the only way
to have a friend is to be a friend."
-- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Essays, 1841

"Among true and real friends, all is common; and
were ignorance and envy and superstition banished
from the world, all mankind would be friends."
-- Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822), "Essay on
Christianity," 1817

"Good friends, good books, and a sleepy
conscience: this is the ideal life."
-- Mark Twain

"My best friend is the one who brings out the
best in me."
-- Henry Ford

"The friend who holds your hand and says the
wrong thing is made of dearer stuff than the one
who stays away."
-- Barbara Kingsolver (1955 - ) High Tide in Tucson:
Essays from Now or Never, 1996

"Love is blind, but friendship closes its eyes."
-- unknown

"Consistency is the last refuge of the
unimaginative." -- Oscar Wilde

"Time is neutral and does not change things. With
courage and initiative, leaders change things."
-- Jesse Jackson

"Once a man would spend a week patiently waiting
if he missed a stage coach, but now he rages if
he misses the first section of a revolving door."
-- Simeon Strunsky

"I thought I could change the world. It took me
a hundred years to figure out I can't change the
world. I can only change Bessie. And honey, that
ain't easy either."
--Bessie Delany

"It is a secret, both in nature and state, that it
is safer to change many things at once."
-- Francis Bacon, "Of Regiment of Health,"
Essays, 1625

"Change is the progress by which the future
invades our lives."
-- Alvin Toffler, introduction to Future Shock,

"Change is constant."
-- Benjamin Disraeli, Speech, Edinburgh,
Scotland, 29 October 1867

"A capacity to change is indispensable. Equally
indispensable is the capacity to hold fast to that
which is good."
-- John Foster Dulles (1888-1959)

"Not everything that is faced can be changed,
but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
-- James Baldwin


"It's easier to act your way into a new way of thinking than to think your way into a new way of acting." -- Millard Fuller (founder of Habitat for Humanity)

"You are what you think about all day long." -- Dr. Robert Schuller

"What the mind of a man can conceive and believe the mind of a man can achieve." -- Napoleon Hill

"Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds."
-- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"You are today where your thoughts have brought you; you will be tomorrow where your thoughts take you." -- James Allen

Positive Mistakes

"I made a mistake today. I made a mistake yesterday. I
think it's ... very important to ignore the negative."
--Jerry Rubin

"Entrepreneurs average 3.8 failures before final success.
What sets the successful ones apart is their amazing
--Lisa M. Amos

"Success is going from failure to failure without loss of
--Winston Churchill

Deal with change

We are living in an exciting age of unprecedented change. Today's accelerated rate of change presents us with unique challenges and opportunities. When change brings success, keep your ego from getting out of hand. When the change is negative, use your sense of humor to get through it. Once you learn to handle change, you can take your skills, talents, and abilities and help others change. Let's look at four ways to enhance your mastery of change.

No. 1 Don't Fight It.
The natural tendency is to protect what you know and value, what has become familiar and comfortable. Unfortunately the world will change with or without you. So you must adapt again and again. You make your life so much more complicated when you fight the change. You cause yourself stress and can actually become ill. Remember the old Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.

No. 2 You Don't Have to Like the Change.
No one ever said you have to like the changes you are experiencing. However, you do have to understand them so you can progress. Study, explore, and read everything you can about the current matters that affect your perception and handling of change. Life is not always about "liking". It is about doing the best you can, with what you you've got and getting on with it--right now!

No. 3 Know What to Defend Against Change.
There are some things we should resist changing because change does not always translate into better. Change for the sake of change alone can destroy valuable situations, assets, and relationships. Many values deserved to be defended. Ask yourself what you will change and what you will defend.

No. 4 Have a Sense of Humor.
Humor can give you a momentary "emotional vacation." A sense of humor can conquer pretense, and diffused anger and hostility.

Ceramics Frequently Asked Questions

What precautions should I take in the studio?

How do I decorate my ware?

How do I apply Lustres?

How do I market my ceramics?

How do I apply glaze?

How do I market my ceramics?

How do I fire porcelain?

How do I cast slip?

How do I fire an electric kiln?

How do I apply glaze?

What are some stoneware glazes?

What Precautions when using dry ingredients?

How do I apply glaze?

How do I apply opaque stains ?

How do I wedge clay?

How do I apply Stains?

What is Lustre?

What should I keep in mind when designing my studio?

How do I make a coil pot

How do I decorate my ware?

How do I make molds?

What is Clay?

How do I apply glaze?

What is a decal?

How do I clean Greenware?

How do I add texture?

How do I centre my clay?

What tools do I need to start potting?

How do I start a business?

How do I best promote myself and my work?

How do I load my kiln?

What are ceramics

Where do I start?

How do I make a simple mold?

How do I fire Decals?

How can I make a mould?

What are some life quotes?

What is underglaze?

What is Porcelain

How do I care for my brushes?

How do I care for my molds?

What is Celadon?

What is the Tea Ceremony?

How do I care for my kiln?

How do I apply one-strokes?

What safety aspect should I keep in mind when working with glazes?

How do I apply Lustres?

What is Overglaze?

What are oxides?

How do I fire Bisque?

Where do I begin?

What should I remember when firing the kiln?

How do I clean brushes?

How do I slump/sag glass?

How do I apply overglazes?

How do I best publicise my business?

How do I make a simple plaster mold?

How do I care for my brushes?

Are stains safe.

How do I fire overglazes/lustres?

What is a reduction firing?

How do I doccument my work?

How do I create fine feature lines?

How and when sholuld I apply underglazes?

How do I make molds?

What is an engobe?

Are they Water or oil base stains?

How do I hold my brush?

How do I store my Materials?

Are any two kilns are exactly alike?

What is mould in clay?

What is a Pyrometric Cone?

Do I need a cone?

how do I throw clay?

Can I use sand to stop glaze running onto shelves

How do I test my glazes?

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Does greenware need to be dry before loading?

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How do I fire lustre?

What is a glaze?

How do I fire lustres?

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How do I dry overglazes?

What is a glaze?

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What is an overglaze marbleizer?

Is there a trick toThrowing Porcelain?

Have you some lovely words?

What is Earthenware?

What is a glaze?

What are some stoneware glazes?

How do I paint Eyes?

How do I Recycle Clay

How do I attach wet pieces?

How do I make a teapot?

How do I make a plaster mold

What are some good tools for decoration?

What is Kiln Wash?

How do I glaze my ware?

How do I slipcast ceramics?

What are some life quotes?

how do I dry my ware?

How do I fire my ware?

How do I apply texture to my piece?

What is a Glost firing?

How do I make my own glazes?

What are some change quotes?

How do I store my tools?

What is the history of Raku?

What is Paperclay

What is a crackle glaze?

Do I need kiln wash for bisque?

How do I refire a glazed piece ?

What is reduction?

What must I remember when Raku firing?

How do I add decoration to my ceramics?

How do I care for my elements?

Does over firing produce poor colour in coloured glaze?s

How do I use my brush?

How do I care for my brushes?

How do I recycle clay?

What are some success quotes?

What is a glaze?

How do I clean Greenware?

How do I make coils?

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How do I do a reduction firing?

automatic kiln sitter, should I trust it?

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What tools do I need for ceramics

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How do I fire ceramic bisque ?

How do I recycle batches of clay quickly

How do I care for my molds?

How do I fire my ware?

How do I roll a slab?

How do I fire my kiln?

What is the correct firing time?

How to I prepare and make slabs?

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What are slabs?

What is Korean celadon?

How do I fire Raku?

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Can Crackle glazes be used for food?

How do I avoid S cracks in wheel thrown ware

how do I apply glazes?

How do I get the press onside?

How do I open-up the clay?

How do I fire Reds/Yellows?

What is a glaze?

How do I fire Ceramic glaze ?

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How do I care for my molds?

How do I apply kiln wash?

What is a Stain?

What is a mold?

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How do I remove mold lines?

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What is a ´good teapot´?

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How do I decorate my ceramics?

How do I apply crackle glazes ?

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What is overglaze/lustre?

Must my kiln be level?

How do I make my own brushes?

What clay should I use?

How do I apply a decal?

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what is porcelain?

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What should I remember when firing a new kiln?

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how do I get the best results in glazing?

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How do I load my brush for applying underglaze?

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Why should I use pottery plaster?

What is the coat coverage ?

How do I prevent glazes from settling ?

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What is a Binder?

What is a glaze?

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What is a Rib?

What is a Bisque?

How do I care for my elements?

How do I fire porcelain?

How do I store my throwing tools?

What is the History of tea?

What is the history of Ceramics?

Why do I get black spots in my glaze?

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What are Pyrometric Cones?

What is Iron Oxide?

How do I load my kiln for a glaze firing?

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